Category: Domestic Violence


A Washington cop allegedly tracked a woman’s location through GPS monitoring, manipulated her by threatening to commit suicide, threatened to shoot her after a no-contact order was filed against him in mid-February, and more.


After she went to police to describe his actions, Corporal Brooks Owen Laughlin, 33, was arrested and is currently under investigation and awaiting a hearing. There are numerous domestic violence charges that he could


When we think about domestic violence, most of us picture the man as the aggressor and the woman as the victim. However, studies have shown that a surprising number of men are actually domestic violence victims. Moreover, many incidents of domestic violence are mutual, meaning that both parties could be considered aggressors… or victims.


A recent domestic incident in Longmont provides us with a real-world reminder of this

Shot in the groin.


That’s what police in Colorado Springs say happened to a local man during what they are calling a domestic dispute. Preliminary reports indicated that there were two wounds in his groin area, caused by either one or two bullets (one of wound could be where the bullet exited).  The only thing else release at the time of this writing is that two people were in


We recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month here in Colorado, and this year marks the 30th anniversary of the campaign.


“It’s important that we recognize this month because it’s an issue that keeps growing in our society,” said Shirley Crow, Peterson Air Force Base’s domestic violence victim advocate. “Not that it’s new, but it is very hidden and [kept] behind closed doors.”


In 1981, the



Our state takes domestic violence seriously, and a new law that has recently gone into effect shows just how serious Colorado is when it comes to domestic violence charges.


As of Wednesday, August 9, the No Bail for Stalking and Domestic Violence Offenders Act says bail will be denied to anyone convicted of habitual domestic violence or felony stalking in order to protect the alleged victims. Instead