Parenting isn’t easy. One day, you’re trying to guide your child with firm discipline. The next day, you’re sitting in a police station explaining yourself. Colorado law allows reasonable discipline, but in today’s world, a single complaint can turn into an arrest. The legal system doesn’t always take the time to understand the whole story. A bruise from rough play, a punishment that was misinterpreted, or even a child lashing
A restraining order is an order of injunction, preventing one person from having any contact – direct or indirect – with another. Restraining orders are issued in all Colorado domestic violence cases, although they are sometimes modified or vacated by the court following the motion of one or both parties. Also, individuals may obtain a civil protection order, which starts off as a temporary order and can become a permanent protection order if the petitioner so chooses and either the respondent does not object, does not appear in court at the permanent restraining order hearing, or appears and is unsuccessful at the permanent restraining order hearing. Oftentimes, alleged victims in pending criminal matters also seek permanent restraining orders against the defendant, in addition to any restraining order already imposed in the criminal case.
Kimberly Diego has handled a myriad of protection order cases and is available 24/7 to advise you on your concerns regarding preventing the imposition of a permanent protection order, obtaining a permanent restraining order against someone, or to defend against a charge of violating a protection order. As a restraining order attorney in Denver, Kimberly Diego has successfully assisted her clients in avoiding the imposition of restraining orders in a multitude of cases.