Category: Burglary

Burglary charges can carry severe consequences, including substantial fines and lengthy prison sentences. Successfully defending against these charges requires a comprehensive understanding of the law and strategic legal representation. In this blog, we will examine real-life case studies to illustrate successful defense strategies employed in burglary trials in Colorado. By analyzing these cases, we can gain insights into effective defense tactics and the importance of working with an experienced criminal

Many people regard taking property that is not yours as theft, but the truth is that how something gets stolen makes a difference in the eyes of the law. That’s why Colorado law differentiates between burglary, robbery, and theft – because stealing is simply the underlying action these distinct crimes have in common.

The charges of burglary depend on the severity of the crime. The charges rely primarily on what

The holidays are right around the corner, and while that may mean celebrations and cookie baking for many, it also means increased theft in Colorado.

Each December, the crime of theft increases more than any other month of the year. That’s no surprise due to the financial hardship that many experience this time of the year which seems to be one of the biggest reasons for the uptick in theft

Burglary is a crime that often gets confused with robbery, but they aren’t the same. Because of this, many people don’t understand what actions can be taken against someone committing a burglary versus someone attempting to commit robbery.

For instance, police were called in the early morning hours to a burglary scene that turned out to be a possible murder scene. A man at the scene reported that he fired

This past year has been absolutely chaotic. The COVID-19 pandemic, civil unrest, and an intense Presidential election have left everyone on edge. To add even more fuel to the fire, property crimes throughout Denver have been rising.

The Property Crime 2020 Crime Report was released by the Denver Post in late September. Statistics from the report are not promising.

Property Crimes in Denver, 2020

Denver has reported 22,321 property crimes