Category: Trespassing

Trespassing is a common offense that occurs when an individual unlawfully enters or remains on another person’s property without permission. In Denver, trespassing can occur on both public and private property, but there are distinct differences in how these cases are handled under the law. Understanding these differences, including the legal standards, potential consequences, and defense strategies, is essential for individuals facing trespassing charges in Denver.

Trespassing on Public Property

Criminal trespassing makes for interesting law. There are several degrees of trespassing that can be perpetrated, and the penalties increase for a variety of reasons, such as the intent of the person who trespassed.

A man in Russell County was arrested for trespassing and theft. While he has only been charged with first-degree criminal trespass, the case highlights how simply trespassing is one thing, but doing so to commit a

This past year has been absolutely chaotic. The COVID-19 pandemic, civil unrest, and an intense Presidential election have left everyone on edge. To add even more fuel to the fire, property crimes throughout Denver have been rising.

The Property Crime 2020 Crime Report was released by the Denver Post in late September. Statistics from the report are not promising.

Property Crimes in Denver, 2020

Denver has reported 22,321 property crimes

After two months of being stuck inside, a walk around a state park sounds heavenly. A camping trip might as well be a luxurious vacation. You can take that vacation as early as this weekend, now that Colorado’s state parks are starting to open up campgrounds again. Be cautious, though – not all facilities will be accessible.

We know how frustrating it is to keep your kids away from playgrounds


Property crime refers to a group of illegal activities that involve damaging or stealing another person’s private property. Property crime charges range in severity in Colorado—from petty offenses like shoplifting and vandalism to felonies like arson and armed robbery.


Unlike violent crimes or sex crimes, most property crimes target objects instead of people. Still, many property crimes—like arson and burglary—endanger the lives of victims, and the law takes