Category: Domestic Violence

Local news stations reported one of the latest Denver domestic violence tragedies: A woman was killed for whom two separate 911 emergency calls were made only to have police not respond. As you can imagine, Denver police and dispatchers are now in the media spotlight. And Colorado and federal domestic violence laws and punishments are written in such a way as to minimize tragedies like these. Thus, if you are

A new law passed earlier this year, allowing prosecutors to utilize out of court statements by a developmentally challenged victim against a defendant in a jury trial, is currently being used for the first time in a Denver rape case.


Hearsay evidence (a statement, other than one made by a witness testifying at a trial, offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted) typically is inadmissible in a

If the Denver police are called to your residence on a domestic disturbance call, and they suspect that any kind of violence has taken place, you are likely to be arrested even if the argument has abated by the time the police show up. Even if your girlfriend was also arrested or even if she does not want to press charges against you now that the fight is over, you

A domestic violence charge carries a social stigma with it that can be damaging to a person’s reputation even if they are never convicted. That’s why anyone facing such a charge needs the services of an experienced and competent lawyer before ever entering a Colorado courtroom. Defense attorney Kimberly Diego is a knowledgeable domestic violence lawyer in Colorado who can not only defend you against the criminal charge but can

In Colorado, the law authorizes and in fact requires the issuance of protection orders in all domestic violence cases.  Current law allows not only a no-contact order, but also restrictions as to the possession of firearms, possession of alcohol, and any other restrictions the court deems appropriate to protect the safety of the alleged victim.


However, the law does not currently authorize the issuance of protection orders in non-domestic