Category: Domestic Violence

I often get calls from alleged victims in domestic violence cases. Most frequently,they are calling to find out how to get the charges dropped against the defendant as quickly possible. The fact is that there is no magic wand to wave to make a domestic violence case go away once a call to police has been made and the defendant has been arrested, and that is because in Colorado the

Many times, people charged with domestic violence are taken aback because they do not understand the definition of domestic violence or think that their situation is a misunderstanding that has been blown out of proportion. There are far too many myths surrounding domestic violence, and if we clear some of them up, we may be able to reduce the number of domestic violence crimes that take place in Colorado and

A case receiving significant local and national media attention is the Domestic Violence case currently pending in Denver County Court against Colorado Avalanche goalie Semyon Varlamov.  The charge filed by the Denver District Attorney is Third Degree Assault, a Class 1 misdemeanor, with a maximum possible punishment of two years in the Denver County Jail.


The reality is that Mr. Varlamov would not serve anything close to that maximum

A recent survey by the Avon Foundation, an initiative designed to expose and shed light on the realities of domestic violence in the U.S. while increasing education, awareness, and prevention, shows that a staggering 60% of Americans know a victim of domestic violence. The survey, titled No More Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Survey of Attitudes and Experiences of Teens and Adults, was intended to highlight the lack of

If you have been charged with a crime of domestic violence, the outcome of your case can have an impact on any pending or future child custody matters.  The mere fact of your being charged can also have an impact as well.


In Colorado, any time an incident of domestic violence occurs and a child is present, the defendant also will be charged with a count of Child Abuse