Category: Theft

Theft is a crime taken very seriously in Colorado, but how it is penalized can vary depending on the value of what was taken. That’s why theft isn’t simply a serious issue in Colorado – it’s also one that many people don’t fully understand when their freedom is on the line.

The circumstances surrounding a theft case will directly inform the penalties if the perpetrator is found guilty. These penalties

Over the last few years, home delivery of packages has become quite common – as have “porch pirates,” the people who steal these packages from the porches of unsuspecting people.

Colorado has a porch pirate problem, something of which law enforcement is fully aware. They’re taking measures to crack down on it. Police all over Colorado are advising residents to be on the lookout for porch pirates – and how

Vehicle theft is on the rise in Colorado, which means that your chances of being charged with it rise in tandem with the crime rate.

According to the Denver Post, the first quarter of 2021 saw a 114 percent increase in the rate of auto theft compared to the previous year. That’s a significant increase – one the local authorities are trying their best to manage.

If you are caught

Shoplifting forms a unique intersection of potential criminal and civil litigation.

Unlike theft from an individual’s house or car, shoplifters interact with a business trying to preserve its goods — and affordability. You’ve likely heard statistics about how shoplifting increases prices for paying consumers.

If you’re one of those paying customers, you wouldn’t appreciate false identification as a shoplifter. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to an 11-year-old boy.

Safeway security

The U.S. economy hasn’t been as stable as many of us are used to. In fact, unemployment claim filings have remained high for nearly a year.

If you are part of the 6 percent of Coloradoans still struggling to find employment, tapping into resources a bit more than legally allowed may have crossed your mind.

If so, you certainly aren’t the only one. Colorado has reported a spike in unemployment