Category: Sex Crimes

Colorado, like most states, catalogs crimes according to certain criteria. When it comes to sexual crimes, certain factors determine each offense’s seriousness, which then impacts sentencing.  Where sexual assault and unlawful sexual contact are concerned, there is one big difference that distinguishes the two offenses: sexual assault requires penetration, while unlawful sexual contact involves touching without penetration.

Let’s take a deeper look at these sex crimes. First, we’ll detail the


As the definition of what constitutes a sex-crime continues to evolve, and awareness about just how common true sex crimes really are remains heightened, it seems accusations are flying, and regular every day people all over the country are getting caught in the cross-hairs.


In Colorado, just this past fall a North Denver court upheld a federal ruling that a local ordinance on women appearing topless in public


In Colorado, you may find yourself standing before a judge if you post or distribute intimate images of your lover or spouse online after a breakup. How so?


Harassing your former significant other by posting nude images without his or her permission is a violation of Colorado’s revenge porn laws. These laws also apply to strangers who post images they find when they hack into someone else’s device


Everyone makes mistakes. If you find yourself on the wrong side of the law, though, you have to carry a reminder of your mistakes with you in the form of a criminal record. It’s something that can make it harder to do things like get a good job, find an apartment, and even take out a loan.


Having your name on the sex offender registry is like that


If you are charged with a sex crime in Colorado, you will suffer many consequences you may not even know about. Obviously, there is a decent chance that you will have to serve a prison sentence and be put on probation. However, those are just the beginning of your consequences.


If your sex offense is one that qualifies for the sex offender registry, completing your criminal sentence is