Category: DUI

After being arrested for a DUI, you most likely want the whole experience to be over as soon as possible. Unfortunately, a DUI charge isn’t something that gets resolved overnight. Depending on the specifics of your case, you’ll likely face several hearings, an arraignment, and—if your case cannot be settled out of court—a trial. You’ll need to make sure you understand each of these steps in order to give your

Being convicted for a DUI can result in some life-altering consequences. A first repercussion with a significant impact on your lifestyle is that you may lose your license, making it more difficult for you to get to work and earn a living. Even if you somehow manage to keep your license, having a DUI conviction will show up on your record any time you need to have a background check,

Think back to a situation when you had one beer with co-workers for happy hour, had some wine with your dinner at a restaurant, or sipped a glass of champagne at a friend’s wedding reception. You may have figured it would be fine to drive yourself home because one drink wouldn’t put you over the legal BAC limit of .08%, and there was no way you would get pulled over

Since legalizing recreational marijuana, Colorado policymakers have been focusing on some of the implications of this policy, including the potential for stoned driving. While some recreational users insist that weed doesn’t impair their ability to drive, lawmakers consider driving under the influence of marijuana to be the same as driving under the influence of any other prescription painkiller—since you can’t judge your own level of impairment, you shouldn’t get behind

There’s a reason we have laws against driving under the influence: drunk driving compromises judgment, impairs reaction time, and is one of the leading causes of car accidents in the United States. We’ve created laws to curb this danger, but the laws can’t be effective unless they apply to everyone—and there’s evidence that police officers and lawmakers are sometimes getting free passes when caught red-handed.


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