Archives for: August 1st, 2021

Even though certain drugs in Colorado are considered legal recreationally, such as marijuana, that doesn’t mean the state doesn’t prosecute drug crimes. In fact, in Colorado, it is still illegal to sell, possess, use, or manufacture many controlled substances.

Still, there are some circumstances under which a person who is found guilty of a drug crime for the first time can escape a jail sentence.

Here’s what you need to

Prescription drugs are a modern-day marvel. They can alleviate pain, fight disease, even save lives. However, prescription drug crimes are serious business in Colorado, and the penalties can be quite severe.

Drug Laws in Colorado

The criminal statutes in Colorado involving drugs are complex. Prior to 2013, Colorado did not have a special classification and penalty system for drug crimes. In late 2013, changes were made to the laws, and


College is a rite of passage for nearly half the US population. Getting a degree, whether it’s an associate’s degree for a trade or a 4-year degree from an Ivy League, can unlock tens of thousands of dollars a year in earning potential.


At the same time, most people who are looking to go to college in the future are still young and prone to youthful indiscretions. This


The U.S. is in the midst of a mass incarceration crisis. We have the highest incarceration rate in the world, and because of this, our prison population has increased exponentially in the past few decades.


Incarceration comes at an enormous human cost to prison inmates and their families. The government (and its taxpayers) bear its heavy financial cost. Moreover, studies show that incarceration does little to end criminal


Drug-free zone laws enacted during the 1980’s “War on Drugs” were meant to discourage drug activity near schools and other places children frequent, and protect them from drug trafficking activity. It sounded like a good idea at the time, and in theory, few would argue against this premise.


In practice, however, drug-free zones aren’t necessarily effective deterrents. Instead, they often simply impose unreasonably harsh penalties, and include drug