Archives for: April 13th, 2022

It’s not uncommon for people who are facing criminal charges to wonder if they really need a lawyer. After all, hiring an experienced attorney can be costly, and many domestic violence cases involve victims that may not even want to press charges. So is it really that serious?

The truth is that a Colorado domestic violence conviction brings with it serious consequences that can impact the rest of your life.

Children are sometimes the unfortunate witnesses to events that include domestic violence between people in their households or their families. While it may not seem like this has an impact on a child, that’s really not the case.

Children are deeply impacted by domestic violence. They can be victims of it themselves or witness it happening to others. There are many side effects that can result from this, and it’s

Being accused of domestic violence in Colorado is no joke. In fact, it is an accusation that can have devastating consequences for the rest of your life – and it can impact your rights.

If you’re dealing with domestic violence in Colorado, you may have many questions. Here are some of the most frequent questions we get for those who are involved in domestic violence cases. Here are just a

There’s no doubt: crime charges that include domestic violence can be devastating to a person’s life. That’s why it’s vital, if you’re facing domestic violence charges, to make sure you mount the most robust defense possible.

Sometimes, help in defense can come from an unlikely source: the victim. There are actually many ways in which a victim can help with a Colorado domestic violence case. So, if you’re facing charges