Category: Medical Marijuana

I often get asked how one can get into the lucrative business of selling retail or recreational marijuana.  There are numerous steps to setting up a retail or recreational marijuana business in Colorado.


First, the applicant must complete a background check through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.  This can be done online for a small fee.


Second, the applicant must fill out the application, which is

The U.S. Attorney’s Office has circulated a memorandum addressing the hot topic of marijuana enforcement; that is, whether the federal government should step in and enforce federal drug laws in states that have passed their own laws, such as in Colorado, that contradict those federal laws.


This memorandum provides guidance to U.S. Attorneys across the country in terms of which marijuana crimes they should be focusing their energies and

Today, the Colorado Board of Health approved a series of rule changes impacting the use and also distribution of medical marijuana.  Some have criticized these changes are pro-law enforcement.  Supporters of the changes argue the changes merely “clarify” the language of Amendment 20, while opponents argue that the changes seek to undermine Amendment 20.


Amendment 20, which legalized medical marijuana in Colorado, was passed in 2000.  That amendment defined

A bill that would have placed a “per se” limit on those driving under the influence of marijuana was killed this week in the Colorado Senate.  The bill would have placed a limit on the amount of THC one could have in their blood while driving, similar to the 0.08 limit constituting DUI Per Se in drunk driving cases.  Pro – medical marijuana lobbyists had vehemently opposed the bill, since