The criminal justice system exists to make sure that citizens of Colorado are kept safe. Whenever a criminal case goes to trial, it is up to the court and the jury to make decisions that will ensure the welfare of the greater public. Usually, this means convicting guilty individuals and exonerating innocent ones. Unfortunately, this system sometimes makes mistakes.


As The Denver Channel reported, a Denver man has recently

For many parents, discovering their teen has been arrested feels like a scene from their darkest nightmare.



It’s hard to imagine that the child who cuddled with stuffed animals, loved to color, and cried on his first day of preschool could be facing juvenile incarceration, community service hours, and a permanent criminal record.


But even the best kids and teens can get into legal trouble, whether due

By now, most people know how important it is to avoid drinking and driving. The potential consequences—injuries, fatalities, heartache, totaled vehicles, skyrocketing insurance payments, arrests, fines—are simply not worth the risks. Thankfully, technological advances such as websites and smartphone apps are making it easier for people refrain from drinking and driving by decreasing the need to get on the road after drinking.



These delivery apps make it possible


License “points” are points that accumulate on your driving record following each traffic offense. Different offenses have different point rankings, with more serious infringements earning more points. Unlike citations, which are physically presented to you, and which you know you must address within a certain amount of time, points have no tangible counterpart that go along with them, and therefore they can be difficult to keep track of.



In Colorado, domestic violence goes far beyond physical acts to encompass a wide range of behaviors. The law defines domestic violence as any act, attempted act, or threatened act of violence, harassment, stalking, or coercion between individuals in a relationship. The relationship may be a current or former marriage or romantic partnership, or simply a current or former shared living situation.


That means you could be charged with