Category: Sexual Assault

Colorado, like most states, catalogs crimes according to certain criteria. When it comes to sexual crimes, certain factors determine each offense’s seriousness, which then impacts sentencing.  Where sexual assault and unlawful sexual contact are concerned, there is one big difference that distinguishes the two offenses: sexual assault requires penetration, while unlawful sexual contact involves touching without penetration.

Let’s take a deeper look at these sex crimes. First, we’ll detail the


In recent years, campus sexual assault has become an increasingly common problem facing lawmakers, administrators, and students. Studies show that one in five women are sexually assaulted on a college campus, but less than half of these cases are reported to police, and even fewer result in jail time for the alleged attacker.


Recently, Stanford University student Brock Turner was sentenced to jail for sexually assaulting a woman

A new law passed earlier this year, allowing prosecutors to utilize out of court statements by a developmentally challenged victim against a defendant in a jury trial, is currently being used for the first time in a Denver rape case.


Hearsay evidence (a statement, other than one made by a witness testifying at a trial, offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted) typically is inadmissible in a