Vehicle theft is on the rise in Colorado, which means that your chances of being charged with it rise in tandem with the crime rate.

According to the Denver Post, the first quarter of 2021 saw a 114 percent increase in the rate of auto theft compared to the previous year. That’s a significant increase – one the local authorities are trying their best to manage.

If you are caught

There are many types of relationships that people may see as unacceptable – but many of them are not illegal.

However, anyone in a position of trust who has a sexual relationship with a child is not only participating in something unacceptable but against the law as well. And it happens more than you may think.

A girls’ basketball coach from a Colorado Springs high school is facing charges of

Operating a motor vehicle when you’ve had too much alcohol is against the law. But does that mean you can’t go out and drink with friends and family this 4th of July? Of course not – as long as you know where to draw the line.

The consequences for being caught drinking and driving are extensive. You can face jail times, fines, lose your driver’s license, and even have

Certain items present on your criminal record in Colorado can be expunged or sealed, but many people assume that you can petition the court to seal or expunge nearly any type of conviction. In truth, people harbor a lot of misunderstandings about the expungement or record sealing process in Colorado. Many have a lot of questions about the process.

Record expungement can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be.

Shoplifting forms a unique intersection of potential criminal and civil litigation.

Unlike theft from an individual’s house or car, shoplifters interact with a business trying to preserve its goods — and affordability. You’ve likely heard statistics about how shoplifting increases prices for paying consumers.

If you’re one of those paying customers, you wouldn’t appreciate false identification as a shoplifter. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to an 11-year-old boy.

Safeway security