A DUI case can easily become something much more serious if there is a serious injury or even a death involved. In those cases, a DUI charge is elevated to a charge of Vehicular Assault or Vehicular Homicide.


Any time a DUI or DUID is elevated to a charge of Vehicular Assault or Vehicular Homicide, the legal standard that applies is one of strict liability. What that means is

I often receive calls from frustrated individuals who have been rejected for a job or housing opportunity because of the appearance of a dismissed case on their criminal record.  Since their case was dismissed, they were under the impression that it would no longer appear on their record.  Some judges contribute to this misperception by telling defendants taking deferred judgement pleas that if they successfully complete probation, their case will

On March 3rd, the FBI arrested a family of three from Northbrook, IL, for a shoplifting spree allegedly resulting in more than $7 million in stolen property.The Bogdanov family’s cross-country thefts began in Oklahoma and continued through Texas and Louisiana before eventually finishing back in their hometown. Along the way, they went after major companies such as Barnes and Noble and Toys ‘R’ Us and sold their stolen merchandise on

I have a prior DUI in another state. Do I need to disclose this to the court or to the prosecutor?

The answer, as with many legal questions, is that “it depends”.

Having a prior DUI can greatly impact the outcome of your pending driving under the influence case. A case in which you may not see a day in jail can easily become one in which a jail sentence

Even a relatively minor DUI case can have serious and far-reaching consequences for any driver holding a CDL (Commercial Driver’s License).  If you lose your DMV hearing, you face the loss of your CDL for one year.  Even if you win the DMV hearing, you face the loss of your CDL should you be convicted of drunk driving in court.  For purposes of suspending your commercial driving privileges, it does