“You have the right to remain silent.” We’ve all heard it in movies and TV shows, but what does it really mean when those words are directed at you? Miranda Rights aren’t just a script for dramatic police scenes—they’re a cornerstone of your constitutional protections. Unfortunately, law enforcement doesn’t always get it right. If you’re in custody and your Miranda Rights aren’t read, any statements you make could violate your
Polygraphs are used both in the prosecution and defense of sex crimes. While investigating a sex crime for possible prosecution, law enforcement often will ask a suspect to submit to a polygraph examination, suggesting that completion of the examination will clear the suspect of any wrongdoing.
The results of a polygraph examination are not admissible in court to establish guilt; however, the results of a polygraph can be relied upon, along with other evidence, to establish sufficient cause to make an arrest and file criminal charges.
A polygraph measures blood pressure, respiration, pulse, and ski conductivity while the subject being tested is asked a series of questions. The thought behind this testing is that deceptive or untruthful answers will produce certain physiological responses while non-deceptive answers will produce others. However, the efficacy of polygraphs has been debated, and polygraphy is not generally accepted by the scientific community.
Nonetheless, a polygraph can be a useful tool in the defense arsenal when dealing with the investigation and / or prosecution of a sex crime. Your defense attorney may ask that you submit to a polygraph, and refer you to a reputable polygrapher. Should the results of that examination be exculpatory, your lawyer may choose to turn that information over to the prosecutor. Such information may sway a prosecutor not to file charges in a case lacking strong evidence.
If you have been charged with a sex crime, contact a Denver, Colorado sex crimes defense lawyer immediately.
To benefit from sex crimes defense attorney Kimberly Diego’s vigorous attention to the law and commitment to clients, call 720.257.5346 for a free consultation or simply fill out the FREE CASE REVIEW form and a representative from the Law Office of Kimberly Diego will contact you as soon as possible.