Archives for: June 22nd, 2021

Shoplifting forms a unique intersection of potential criminal and civil litigation.

Unlike theft from an individual’s house or car, shoplifters interact with a business trying to preserve its goods — and affordability. You’ve likely heard statistics about how shoplifting increases prices for paying consumers.

If you’re one of those paying customers, you wouldn’t appreciate false identification as a shoplifter. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to an 11-year-old boy.

Safeway security

Christmas is a time to share – and a time to shower others with gestures of goodwill and happiness.

Even the Grinch, who found it in his heart to return all the gifts to Whoville (and bring some cheer to Littleton in real life) understood the error of his ways. Real life isn’t quite as simple as recognizing why you did something wrong, though. The difference between those who are


Most people understand that walking out of a store with any merchandise you didn’t pay for is shoplifting. Were you aware, however, there are other ways shoplifting crimes can be committed? A few of them, offenders can even commit unintentionally!


This Christmas season, don’t ruin the holiday for yourself or your family by unintentionally shoplifting. Be aware of what shoplifting means and the repercussions this kind of mistake

It is common for someone charged with shoplifting to be faced with the prospect of video evidence in his or her case, capturing the act of the alleged shoplifting – particularly when the store involved is a larger store like a supermarket, department store, or somewhere like Target or Wal Mart, as opposed to a small business.


Faced with video evidence, a person charged with shoplifting may understandably feel